Sunday, January 30, 2011

Abby's Treasure Island

Abby's Treasure Island -GC21D1

I was sitting at home search for a cache to do.  I had noticed that this cache had been found the day before by three guys.  I'm still not up for any kind of ruff terrain after having spinal surgery.  This one I remember is all flat land but a decent walk to get to, and you have to cross the river.  Knowing that it had been pretty cold out, I figured I'd take a shot at it.  I got ready and asked Rusty if he wanted to go along, which his ears perked up and ran right to the door.

Once we got to the parking area it is about 3/4 of a mile as the crow flies to the cache.  So off we headed.  We crossed on the bridge and walked along the river back till we could see the island.  The snow wasn't very deep at all and it made for a nice walk.  At I was looking at the island planning the river crossing I notice at the tops of the trees, there was a bunch of bald eagles.  It was starting to get dark out, so I wasn't able to get a good close picture of them.  I was wondering if they hung out here waiting for people to try to come to their island and fail, so they could pick at their bones.

We found a spot that seemed very solid and tied the rope to a tree.  Then we started the hairy part.  Crossing the river.  We went slow and steady across finally made it to the island.  So far we hadn't seen any signs of the fellows that had been here the day before.  As we made our way to the cache location, we finally saw their footprints.  Once we found the container, we sat and relaxed for a bit on a log.  It was really starting to get dark and I figured we better get back across the river before I had to break out the flashlight.

We followed the same path that we took to the island and where relived once we made it back to solid ground.  As we headed back we left the edge of the river so we could swing by another cache in this area.  Somehow we found some ice again but didn't realize it till I was laying flat on my back.  Ouch!!!! 

This was a fun cache hunt.  I really would like to visit this one during the summer by floating down stream on a tube.

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